Thursday, October 18, 2012

Live Like You Are Dying

          So these past couple days I've really been taken in by the idea of living like you were dying. I hear people say it all the time and automatically associate it with indulging in every pleasurable thing on the planet in a very frivolous way, thus sin. Yet, I wonder how life would be if someone who is completely surrendered to God lived like they were dying? Because, in reality, isn't that what God has called us to do? "And he said to them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it." (Luke 9:23-24) We have to "lose our lives" for Christ's sake  in order to save our lives from destruction. I have always pinned this destruction to be eternity in hell only, but now I wonder if it also means a "wasted" life. A life that revolves around the meaningless things that Solomon addresses in Ecclesiastes.
          As I look at my own life, I know for certain that I do NOT live like I'm dying! I make sure to avoid situations in which I feel extremely uncomfortable, especially awkward social situations. I worry about changing my major/career because of the possibility of it not working out as perfectly as I have it formulated in my head. I spend a large amount of time focusing on making my life easier and more enjoyable and more comfortable and more BORING!!! That's what it comes down to! I'm living a boring, meaningless life that will get the Kingdom of God no further than it would have been if I hadn't been born. How depressing is that.. To realize that my impact on this world and the world to come is so minute and will continue that way unless I surrender my plans to God and live life with reckless abandon!
          Be a game-changer. Not in the glamorous way the world paints it with fame, status, money, and momentary pleasures, but in the way God plans it. With an influence that will last an eternity and change the lives of countless people! Have the Word of God on mind, heart, body, and mouth at ALL TIMES! Never be ashamed of the Gospel, rather preach it like today is your last day! Because you never know when it might be... Make every second of this life count.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Express Me This

          "Creativity, today, is equally as important as literacy." This is a claim made by Sir Ken Robinson, PhD, a world-renown speaker on the essence of education. I watched a youtube video of a conference at which he spoke where he discussed the importance of creativity in our education systems. Sir Robinson began his speech by pointing out obvious yet uncontested facts about our education system. Such were included: hierarchy of subjects, emphasis on monetary gain, criteria for success, among others. He related to his audience (myself included) by addressing parental and educator influence in the activities and career paths of children. He stated that parents and educators tend to put an emphasis on subjects such as math and science and neglect or even criticize subjects such as art, music, and dance. This is because math and science lead to 'successful' occupations whereas the "arts", as they are known, have a low possibility for leading to a stable and successful occupation. So the arts are squashed beneath the discouragement of educators and parents and rarely find their way into the lives of children in need of creative expression. Sir Robinson said that he believed the world is changing in ways that will require more of the arts and less of the math and science. He encouraged his audience members to creatively express themselves and to pass on that encouragement to their kids and the people around them. I know that I have diminished my love and appreciation for the arts because I wished to conform to the 'social norms of society'. The culture we live in does not favor creative expression in the forms of dance, music, and art, at least not "for everybody". Maybe those 'select few' who are extremely gifted can participate but not everybody... Even harder still is the added stigma that is bestowed upon males who appreciate creative expression in the arts. Well I disagree with our culture and I don't give a crap what it says about creativity. I for one am going all in with who I am when it comes to creative expression, bring on the music...

Recovering from Religion

          I'm sitting in Kaldi's, staring upon a wall filled with fliers advertising events seemingly tailored for a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop. One invites me to participate in English Country Dance; one beckons me to join the Chess Club; one describes a film festival featuring "world-renown" documentaries. And yet, the one that catches my eye, commanding the bulk of my attention, is an informational brochure about a group titled, "Recovering from Religion". This harmless sheet of paper thrusts me through several stages of emotions including: anger, compassion, courage, and confusion. I study the words, trying to understand the viewpoint of its author- a viewpoint which completely contradicts my entire lifestyle... I am not angry toward the people of this group; rather, I am angry toward the source of their pain- the American Church. Recovering from Religion, as if it's a fatal disease, pressed upon its victims. And isn't it? Isn't religion fatal to the work of Christ Himself? Religion without spiritual fruit is a killer of souls. The country of America is plagued by the hypocrisy that is religion, but fleeing from Christ is not the cure. The Love of God expressed through action is the antidote, and we as Christians are the means by which this antidote is administered. How can the Love of God spread when it has no median through which to travel? Imagine we as Christians are syringes and Christ's love is the cure. Without a cure, syringes are just weapons which cause injury with the false hope of bringing healing. After so many effective-less injections, the church has caused more hurt than it has hope. No wonder people are searching for healing from religion...